lundi 17 septembre 2012

Nutrition Plan: 2 kg weight loss diet healthy!

nutrition plan
The Nutrition Plan is a balanced healthy diet. With nutrition diet , you will lose 2 pounds per week without feeling hungry too.
Duration of scheme: unlimited .
TIPS Drink 2 glasses of water before you start eating, so you’ll feel fuller and eat less. If you are hungry before going to bed, keep the dessert for dinner this time.

Plan for Nutrition, we recommend that you follow this diet menu weekly:

Breakfast:  coffee or tea, bread (30 g) with cheese (70 grams).
Lunch: cooked vegetables, roast chicken (150 grams) and fruits , coffee or tea.
Dinner: salad with lettuce, onion and tomato, tuna (150 grams) and 1 yogurt.
Breakfast: coffee or tea, 2 small pancakes with ham (50g).
Lunch: salad with vegetables, tomato, corn, chicken (150 grams) and 2 fruits.
Dinner: vegetable soup or pasta (not much) 1 omelet with mushrooms and 1 yoghurt.
Breakfast: cereal (50 grams) with 1 cup milk, 1 fruit and 1 tablespoon of cereal.
Lunch: baked vegetables, turkey (150 grs) and 1 cream caramel.
Dinner: vegetables, 2 boiled egg, 1 slice of whole-grain bread and 1 pear.
Breakfast: coffee or tea, orange juice and 1 slice of bread with jam.
Lunch: cooked vegetables with 1 potato. Veal (150 grs) and 1 yogurt.
Dinner: vegetable soup, boiled brown rice (50g) Gruyere cheese (70 grams), and strawberries.
Breakfast: cereal (50 grams) with 1 cup milk, 1 fruit and 1 tablespoon of cereal.
lunch: spinach, lean meat (150 grams), 1 piece of cheese.
Dinner: salad with cauliflower and carrots, 2 boiled eggs and 1 fruit.
Breakfast: orange juice, toast and 1 yogurt 2.
lunch: artichokes or other vegetables baked, roasted lamb (150 grs) and 1 fruit.
Dinner: grilled or cooked vegetables, grilled squid 2 and 1 slice melon.
Breakfast: coffee or tea and toast 2 with 1 slice of ham.
Lunch: cooked vegetables, chicken (150 gms) and 1 apple.
dinner: mixed vegetables, steamed mussels (100 g) and 1 fruit.

vendredi 14 septembre 2012

Home remedies to get rid of stomach fat

Home remedies to get rid of stomach fat

home remedies
While not a panacea to ridthe body of belly fat, there are regular habits you can adopt to achieve this goal. With a decent diet plan and regular exercise, you will lose weight and tone the entire body. It is not possible to concentrate only weight loss in a field, which is why a diet plan and increased activity are so important.


Improving your diet is absolutely necessary to rid the body of belly fat. Your body stores excess fat and calories from junk foods… read more

Focus belly

While it is virtually impossible to lose weight only in a specific area, you can provide a focus of your exercise and improve the appearance of certain areas of the body. More effectively for your belly, you will stimulate your abdominal muscles on a regular basis… read more

Use Natural Remedies

If you are looking for natural remedies for belly fat, then note that certain foods like apple, banana, flaxseed, broccoli, lean beef, tofu, soy, apple cider vinegar, nuts and seeds are said to help get rid of the belly fat… read more

Drink Water

When talking about natural appetite suppressant, note that water is also one of the best appetite suppressants that can be used to curb appetite… read more


Regular exercise is necessary to lose weight and increase metabolism. When you lose weight in general, decrease your belly fat as well. The best type of program to follow is one in which you do some form of moderate intensity activity like everyday… read more

Okinawa Diet

Okinawa Diet: healthy diet for weight loss 1 kg per week.

okinawa diet
The Okinawa Diet © removes toxins and balance his diet intake healthy. This scheme is inspired power of the small island off Okinawa, Japan, with an impressive number of centenarians.
Discover now the Okinawa diet! The Okinawa Diet to certain rules: leave the table not full, before any plant (70% of the diet), fish, soy and rice, tea, herbs and spices. Little fruit.
Loss of weight: 1 kg per week until you reach your ideal weight. Duration of scheme: unlimited .

Okinawa Diet: The opinion of our expert health

To lose weight expected, it is mandatory to drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses of water per day (2 liters) and physical exercise. Okinawan centenarians advice as calm and serenity, community and solidarity. Simplicity and frugality food has always been slim!
For optimum cooking food, nothing better than a wok is ideal for multiply flavors.

Okinawa diet menu plan for weight loss

  • 1 bowl of muesli with soy milk
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of green tea.
  • 1 soy steak spice
  • 1 serving of quinoa
  • 1 slice of bread
  • 1 cup of green tea.
  • salad seaweed
  • Grilled Prawns
  • 1 serving of brown rice
  • 1 peach compote
  • 1 cup of green tea.
Other similar atricle

jeudi 13 septembre 2012

6 Meals Plan

6 Meals Plan: lose weight by eating 6 times a day!

6 meals
The Plan 6 Mealsis a balanced healthy diet. This diet allows you to eat 6 times a day, forcing your body to burn calories constantly. But beware, you must combine the diet with physical exercise at least 3 times a week.
Loss of weight: 1 kg a week.
Duration of scheme: unlimited.
A continuation, diet menu plan of 6 meals.  Each day you must choose the meals you prefer. You can replace a food with another similar.

See the Diet Menu Plan of 6 Meals for Weight Loss

mercredi 12 septembre 2012

Balanced Diet

Balanced diet: healthy diet to lose weight fast and well!

Balanced Diet
If you usually pay attention to your diet, balanced diet will help you lose those few extra pounds effortlessly. For this, it suffices to eliminate from your diet the fat that you eat, such as fatty cheeses, pastries, margarine and others.
fish, chicken, salad and vegetables should be part of your daily meals, and always be baked, boiled, grilled or roasted, but never fried with oil.
Loss of weight: 1 kg per week (up to reach the ideal weight). Duration of scheme: unlimited.
Diet recommended for anyone who wants to lose weight and maintain healthy line.
A continuation of the weekly diet menu to lose weight 1 kg per week.

Balanced diet menu Plan to Lose Weight:

Monday: balanced diet
  • coffee or tea, 2 slices of whole meal bread with cheese without fat (50 grams)
  • salad with lettuce, asparagus, tomatoes and olives 4, calf (150 grs) and 1 fruit.
  • vegetable soup, baked fish (150 grams) and 1 yogurt.
Tuesday: balanced diet
  • orange juice and 2 toasts with butter and honey.
  • salad with apples and cabbage, grilled chicken (150 grams) and 1 fruit.
  • ham (100 g) eggplant and roasted pepper, 1 fruit.
Wednesday: balanced diet
  • coffee or tea, 2 toast with butter and jam without sugar.

  • salad of carrots and watercress, rice with vegetables, parmesan cheese (40g), 1 fruit.


  • mixed vegetables, omelet with garlic and 1 fruit.
Thursday: balanced diet
  • orange juice and 2 small whole wheat biscuits.
  • lentil salad, tomato and capers or pickles, grilled fish and fruit salad.
  • cooked vegetables with 1 potato cod oven with carrots and 1 skimmed yogurt.
Friday: balanced diet
  • coffee or tea, 2 slices of whole meal bread with butter or margarine 0%.
  • Salad with tomatoes, onion and cheese skimmed grilled turkey (150 grs) and 1 fruit.
  • salad with lettuce, carrots and onion, grilled fish (150 grams) and 1 fruit.
Saturday: balanced diet
  • coffee or tea, 2 toast bread with butter or margarine and light honey.
  • baked artichokes, grilled veal with vegetables and 1 fruit.
  • mashed, 2 boiled eggs, 1 box tuna and 1 yogurt.
Sunday: balanced diet
  • coffee or tea, orange juice and 2 small whole wheat biscuits.
  • cooked or baked meat with mushrooms and 1 custard.
  • white asparagus with mayonnaise light, omelet spinach and 1 skimmed yogurt.

Balanced Diet recommendations:

Dieting is not an easy task, and even less, exactly in accordance with the diet program. To make more bearable the system, we offer the following recommendations:
1 – Weigh yourself when you decide to start slimming diet and do it again every week on the same day at the same time.
2 – It is important not to skip any meals and chew food well. During lunch, forget your work or your problems and concentrate on your diet. If you feel tired and you do not want to make an effort, discontinue the diet and resume it later.
Other similar article :

Japanese diet: lose weight 1 kg per week with sushi and rice!

The Japanese Diet is a diet to lose weight healthy. The Japanese Diet is to eat soy, rice, seaweed, fish, vegetables and tea. The Japanese Dietis healthier than the Western diet, because of its low fat and animal protein. Regime Japanese includes a lot of fresh produce. The Japanese live longer in good health, they have a very high life! Japanese Regime has the ideal distribution of calories: 63% carbohydrates, 25% fat, 12% protein.
Loss of weight: 1 kg per week, reaching your ideal weight. After weight loss stabilizes.
Duration of scheme: unlimited.
In continuation, the Japanese diet menu Plan consists of healthy and tasty foods, plenty of fiber, vitamins and proteins.

Menu Plan Japanese diet for weight loss:

  • 1 slice of rye bread, cheese, miso soup,
  • 1 orange and
  • 1 cup of green tea.
  • 1 bowl of mushrooms and pasta.
  • 1 serving of sushi (raw fish with rice) with soy sauce and wasabi (Japanese mustard)
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 cup of green tea.
  • Assorted sashimi (raw fish) with soy sauce and wasabi.
  • 1 cup of brown rice.
  • 1 bowl of cucumber.
  • 1 orange.
  • 1 cup of green tea.

Main features of the Japanese Diet

• The Japanese eat mainly rice, raw fish, steamed fish, seaweed, vegetables and soy.
• Green tea (very common in Japan). Green tea is a beverage rich in antioxidants.
• Very few desserts. They use green tea instead of sugar or chocolate.
• The Japanese eat small amounts of food. They use color plates small.
• They eat a variety of foods (up to 30 different foods per day).
• Breakfast is similar to traditional Japanese lunch (fish, rice, miso soup and vegetables) .
• They eat fresh foods in season. Almost never prepared products.
• They do not cook with butter. The oil is used in small quantities for condimenter vegetables.
• They do not eat bread.
• The Japanese walk a lot and bike every day.

Food and Health Plan slimming Japanese

• Blue fish: an important source of healthy fats (omega 3).
• Rice: carbohydrates slow absorption.
• Soybeans and tofu: powerful antioxidant, reduces “bad” cholesterol and help control diabetes.
• Green tea: powerful antioxidant .
• Seaweed: rich in minerals and calcium.

Benefits Plan Japanese

The Japanese Diet is a very balanced diet. The Japanese are known for their longevity due to their way of eating. This is a diet rich in carbohydrates slow absorption (rice, pasta), fish, vegetables and virtually no fat or sugar.

Disadvantages of Japanese Diet

Raw fish must be very fresh and thawed to kill bacteria.
The Japanese eat a lot of salt, mainly in sauces.
Other similar article :

mardi 11 septembre 2012

Change eating behavior

> Tips for changing your eating behavior and weight loss belly
Choose your food carefully and sanitize the way you need to eat to avoid belly swells and the beads are formed:
  • Foods to favor: eat animal protein or grilled or steamed (lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs), whole grains (small quantities), vegetables (carrots, radishes, cabbage, leeks, etc..), dried fruits and cool, dark chocolate (chocolate with a high concentration, eg, 80%), water, tea and infusions.

  • Foods to avoid : all dishes that have sauce, fries, milk, yogurt, cheese, white bread, soft drinks, fruit juices instead of 100% natural, dried vegetables, starches, gum, candy, cakes , pastries, pasta refined, refined rice, refined semolina, etc..

  • Recommended ways to eat :
    Eat at fixed time, sitting in a quiet environment, taking time (do not wear your fork to your mouth constantly, take breaks between bites), chew well (10 to 15 times each mouthful) to facilitate subsequent digestion.
Favor cooked foods (low-fat) rather than raw, do not put too much salt, avoid meals formulas that encourage eating too fast (salad, sandwich, dessert , soft drinks).
Nibble Do not (when you put something in your stomach, you snap the digestion process as a whole (unnecessarily).
Do not skip meals. Eat at least one fruit and yogurt instead of letting empty stomach at mealtime.
Do not drink during meals. Drinking during meals mixing liquid to solid foods, which slows digestion., but you can drink before eating.

Lower stomach fat

How to lower stomach fat?
lower stomach fat

The belly is a complex area and central body. Before you read our tips below and start to lose weight belly , know that belly is not flat can be explained by:

  • Presence of air or gas in the upper abdomen, this presence is caused by swallowed air while eating or drinking soft drinks, or chewing the gum. In the lower part, it is the fermentation due to poor digestion of certain foods .
  • Fat accumulation: a diet too rich in carbohydrates or lipidscombined with a lack of exercise cause the appearance of beads.
  • Lack of tone : no abdominal muscles, your belly gets soft and the fat settles . This makes attempts to lose weight belly increasingly difficult over time and it gets worse if your posture is bad.
Generally, to lose belly fat and find a nice size, follow these 4 steps:
  1. Deflate
  2. Chase the beads
  3. Strengthen
  4. Change eating behavior

Step 1: How does deflate the stomach can make you lose weight?
The abdomen contains the digestive system so as soon as it encounters a problem (fermentation, air swallowed while eating, soda, constipation , stress , emotion too bright, etc.). swells and becomes painful.
we offers the following tips to lose belly fat by deflating:

1) Become a fat burner : a low-carb nutrition is the most effective way to get rid of extra pounds body.Why?
Simply put, the body expends energy in the following order:
  • Carbohydrates (food and glycogen)
  • Lipids (fatty foods and stocks of the body)
  • Proteins (food and muscle tissue).
If you eat what the majority of official instructions (from the government) will advise you to eat, you’re a burner carbohydrates. Now it is clear that if you want to burn fat especially in ventral, you should remove the main source of energy present (that is to say carbs).
When you do this, your body will take a few days to activate a “metabolic switch” and become a fat burning machine. At this point, the fat you eat are consumed first, and then you start to burn body fat as a primary energy source. Obviously, you do not eat huge amounts of fat, and you do not need to exclude all carbs to get all the benefits. Consumption of less than 100 grams of carbs a day is considered “low-carb”, but ideally you should eat less than 60 g daily for best results .
Diets low in fat (which are by nature high carbohydrate diets), when your food calories are gone, the body will burn a mixture of fat and muscle tissue (protein). Since muscles are metabolically active, they will burn calories all day long just because they are there, and lose muscle mass becomes a disaster for the follower system. Their metabolism slows therefore continuously with time.
This is one of the main reasons why fat diets often produce only temporary results: you lose weight for a while, but then the weight loss stops (because your metabolism dropped) and you take the pounds lost (including the stomach for that matter).

2) Make the right exercises to lose belly fat , you are tempted to do a lot of cardio to get a flat stomach? Think again.
Do too much cardio will put your body in a state where it breaks down lean muscle tissue (catabolism). So the question is, how do we complete our strategy for fat burning (described in item # 1 above) with the right exercises burning fat?
The answer is called interval training, or more specifically interval training at high intensity . The idea is to do some sort of cardio in this mode, a period of low intensity followed by a period of higher intensity and so on.
Why is it effective to get a flat stomach? Studies have shown that this type of training works best for fat burning (50% more) than cardio performed in a stable condition. One study even showed that interval training can burn 9 times more fat than cardio intensity low-medium.
Studies have also shown that interval training can produce more fat loss in the belly area than in other parts of the body (the reason is not yet clear for the moment). An Australian study found that the group doing interval training lost 3 times more fat and significantly more belly fat in that group doing cardio at a steady state (the workout lasted 2 times yet longer).
A new even more good news is that interval training must simply be practiced 10-20 minutes each session.

3) Take the time to eat : eat a sandwich quickly causes the intake air and slowing digestion. We recommend that you eat in a place without noise, sit at the table long enough (at least 30 minutes), chew bites.
4) Choose the right vegetables : digesting vegetables is easy (except dried vegetables or potatoes, not to eat if you have a weak stomach or intestines). More they drain the body while facilitating elimination. Select vegetables suitable to compose your dishes will make you lose belly fast.

5) Test for fiber : eat 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day . Fibre is found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc.. Attention, eat 30 grams of fiber per day causes irritation of the bowels and bloating, which will not help your attempt to slim belly.

6) Eat cooked food preference : the cooked food is easier to chew , digest and assimilate. They promote the kind your quest to lose weight to get a flat stomach.

7) Eat protein : protein contained in meat, fish, eggs, etc.. bring a lot of energy without causing fermentation or an increase in volume of the stomach.

8) Do not eat too much salt : put too much salt in food causes water retention in the stomach. It is better to taste the dishes before putting more salt. It should also avoid eating junk foods and processed (dishes already prepared, ready to heat to eat) when you want to lose belly fat.

9) Take care of the digestive system : a course of probiotics (available in pharmacies) can solve the problems of digestion. Cure of prunes and figs (in the morning for 3 or 4 days) can eliminate more easily.
Probiotics are live microorganisms (bacteria or yeasts), added as supplements to certain foods, such as yogurt or cereal for example, exerting a theoretically beneficial to the health of the host.
Improving transit can also help you regain a flat stomach faster. Eat fiber at every meal to remove residue from other foods more easily (because the body can not digest fiber, it evacuates quickly, accompanied by other residues of digestion).

10) Find the correct breathing : breathe with the belly helps to eject the toxins from the body . To breathe with the belly, you can lie on your back, pull your stomach then put a hand flat above.
Then, send the air to the end of the shoulder down to the shoulder blades in the air, then the chest diaphragm. Finally, it should return the air in the opposite direction. Put simply, this means that we must build up your abilities and then exhale at best.

11) You prohibit snacking : at each consumption (as small as it is in quantity), the stomach releases digestive juices. The digestive system starts to work for almost nothing in the case of snacks (too little food).

12) Replace refined grains with whole grains : in one study, people who ate all whole grains (in addition to five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish or poultry) managed to lose belly fat better than the other group of people who adopted the same diet but with only refined grains.
A diet rich in whole grains changes the glucose response and insulin in your body, which accelerates the melting fat. In addition, your body will burn more easily visceral fat (a fatty layer deep) that subcutaneous fat (found under your skin, the fat that you can see and grab).
Read our party No. 2 “Hunting beads” to continue to lose weight to get a flat stomach.