mardi 11 septembre 2012

Flat stomach exercise

For a flat stomach, resistance exercise is to focus the work of the deep muscles of the abdomen, including transverse. The goal is to improve the cladding of the abdominal wall, thus keeping the stomach.
Many are those who want to have a flat stomach , and looking for that miracle year.
The problem is not so much of the year, but the type of work. In abdominal muscle classic, the goal is purely aesthetic: increase the volume of the abdominal muscles to get a nice “shelf chocolates.” The goal here is to improve the relief.
bodybuilding here This will make the muscles stronger and more durable, but it does not work the aspects necessary to achieve a flat stomach :
- Work the deep muscles of the strap Abdominal
- Improved sheathing
It may even have the opposite effect if the selected exercises are not good, such as sit-ups poorly executed, or leg raises with back arched. With this type of movement, it is not uncommon to “push” the belly forward and thus obtain visible abs but with a round belly!
Below are the necessary information to perform an abdominal muscle special “flat stomach” .
Flat stomach exercise:
Here, the basic exercise to get a flat stomach will work the transverse:
 Resistance exercise for a flat stomach
Resistance exercise for a flat stomach

Transverse are the deep muscles of the abdomen, beneath the classic “  grand rights  ”. The cross are only slightly solicited usual exercises for abs bodybuilding programs, yet they are very important.
They have no aesthetic live, so they never worked, but they are responsible for maintaining the stomach and intestines. These are the deep muscles that “hold” the stomach, intestines, ….Thus making them stronger, they can better play the role of sheath belly .
Cladding and flat stomach:
This role sheath is very important to have a flat stomach, the type of work to do bodybuilding should be adapted accordingly.
The goal is not to try to do heavy sets, but rather to maintain the contraction for several seconds, to accustom the body to coat the abdominal muscles .
weight base for a flat stomach will be working the transverse, several times a week, keeping the contraction for 20 seconds, between 5 and 10 times per session.
Other elements for a flat stomach:
To improve the sheathing, you can also use strengthening exercises for the abdominals classic ( crunches , oblique crunches ) with very long series of 30 to 50 repetitions, again, several times a week.
Others are important for flat stomach :
- It is necessary to reduce the rate of fat by dieting.
- reduce stomach volume: If you used to eat a lot, reducing your food intake, the volume of your stomach will shrink and therefore become flatter belly.
- Make a day of “fasting” week. It does not make a complete fasting, but by one or two meals with very low food intake, you will allow your stomach to finish digesting it contains previous meals, so to “empty” .
- Some foods can cause bloating (lactose, gluten, for example), which causes stomach swelling.
All of these tips are intended to have a flat stomach. If your goal is mainly to lose belly fat is on the next page you need to continue reading.

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