mercredi 12 septembre 2012

Japanese diet: lose weight 1 kg per week with sushi and rice!

The Japanese Diet is a diet to lose weight healthy. The Japanese Diet is to eat soy, rice, seaweed, fish, vegetables and tea. The Japanese Dietis healthier than the Western diet, because of its low fat and animal protein. Regime Japanese includes a lot of fresh produce. The Japanese live longer in good health, they have a very high life! Japanese Regime has the ideal distribution of calories: 63% carbohydrates, 25% fat, 12% protein.
Loss of weight: 1 kg per week, reaching your ideal weight. After weight loss stabilizes.
Duration of scheme: unlimited.
In continuation, the Japanese diet menu Plan consists of healthy and tasty foods, plenty of fiber, vitamins and proteins.

Menu Plan Japanese diet for weight loss:

  • 1 slice of rye bread, cheese, miso soup,
  • 1 orange and
  • 1 cup of green tea.
  • 1 bowl of mushrooms and pasta.
  • 1 serving of sushi (raw fish with rice) with soy sauce and wasabi (Japanese mustard)
  • 1 apple.
  • 1 cup of green tea.
  • Assorted sashimi (raw fish) with soy sauce and wasabi.
  • 1 cup of brown rice.
  • 1 bowl of cucumber.
  • 1 orange.
  • 1 cup of green tea.

Main features of the Japanese Diet

• The Japanese eat mainly rice, raw fish, steamed fish, seaweed, vegetables and soy.
• Green tea (very common in Japan). Green tea is a beverage rich in antioxidants.
• Very few desserts. They use green tea instead of sugar or chocolate.
• The Japanese eat small amounts of food. They use color plates small.
• They eat a variety of foods (up to 30 different foods per day).
• Breakfast is similar to traditional Japanese lunch (fish, rice, miso soup and vegetables) .
• They eat fresh foods in season. Almost never prepared products.
• They do not cook with butter. The oil is used in small quantities for condimenter vegetables.
• They do not eat bread.
• The Japanese walk a lot and bike every day.

Food and Health Plan slimming Japanese

• Blue fish: an important source of healthy fats (omega 3).
• Rice: carbohydrates slow absorption.
• Soybeans and tofu: powerful antioxidant, reduces “bad” cholesterol and help control diabetes.
• Green tea: powerful antioxidant .
• Seaweed: rich in minerals and calcium.

Benefits Plan Japanese

The Japanese Diet is a very balanced diet. The Japanese are known for their longevity due to their way of eating. This is a diet rich in carbohydrates slow absorption (rice, pasta), fish, vegetables and virtually no fat or sugar.

Disadvantages of Japanese Diet

Raw fish must be very fresh and thawed to kill bacteria.
The Japanese eat a lot of salt, mainly in sauces.
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